Zulema Fragaso
School Counselor
Nogales High School
Nogales, Ariz.

School Counselor
Nogales High School
Nogales, Ariz.
Why are you an ASCA member? I’m an ASCA member because it allows me to keep up to date on professional development and what’s happening in the school counseling world, and it provides insurance for me.
What inspires you about being a school counselor? The students – being able to be someone they can trust, someone who believes in them.
What words do you live by? Everything happens for a reason.
What would you be doing if you weren’t a school counselor? An optometrist or a physician.
When and why did you know you wanted to be a school counselor? I came from the medical field, but when I started working with GEAR UP, I realized I had a passion for helping teenagers.
What brings you joy? My family
What do you do to decompress/eliminate stress/refuel for the next day? Read or go out with my friends.
You have your own late-night talk show – who would you invite as your first guest? Matthew McConaughey