I have heard this phrase and its companion, “unprecedented year,” several times in anticipation of the 2021–22 school year and in reflection on the 2020–21 school year. We can all agree that there were many unique and challenging issues faced last year and the potential for several unpredictable circumstances in the 2021–22 school year ahead. As students come back to school having experienced detachment from school, teachers, friends and, for many, increased levels of stress, anxious feelings, and violence, how will school counselors be able to address all that may come their way during this school year? The work ahead can seem daunting without an identifiable place to start. However, school counselors are uniquely trained to meet these challenges as they work from a data-driven intervention framework supported by compassion and care for all students. ISCA is here to support you as you meet this challenge!
ISCA is thrilled to offer its annual conference in person on November 1 and 2. Day one begins with national speaker and author Michelle Trujillo sharing her belief that school counselors are “Ignitors for HOPE!” She plans to share how school counselors are uniquely positioned to implement social/emotional learning skills and place adult SEL and self-care as a primary component to the school counselor's toolbox. Day 2 offers powerful and informative breakout sessions starting the day with an inspiring and challenging message from keynote speaker Principal Baruti Kafele. We want to see you at the conference and know it will be a life-changing experience for all in attendance.
ISCA is here to partner with you to meet these challenges. In the past year, through monthly webinars, the launching of the Race and Equity Credential, and disaffiliation from the Illinois Counseling Association, ISCA has offered high quality professional development and positioned the organization to expand the voice of advocacy for Illinois school counselors. As a result, ISCA membership continues to set records for the organization and looks to bring more school counselors into a supportive network of caring professionals. As you look forward to the 2021–22 school year, please contact any of the ISCA Board members or region representatives at any time for assistance, support, or if you just have a question. ISCA is grounded in service to our members and we know that together, we can make a significant difference with all Illinois students.
If your ISCA membership has lapsed and needs to be renewed, JOIN TODAY! ISCA Annual membership is now only $50 and provides access to a network of supportive professionals and professional development often FREE to ISCA members. Want to get involved in the work of ISCA? Let us know by completing this Volunteer Form also found on the ISCA website. This is a great way to learn from other school counselors and to increase your involvement with one of the best school counseling associations in the country.