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President's Letter: Reflecting on Growth

By Carly Lott | May 2023

It’s MAY– we have made it this far and can see the end in sight!

This has been a very busy and exciting year for the Nevada School Counselor Association, and as it is the end of the year, we would like to reflect on what we have done. We would also like to hear from you about our events this past year, so please take a moment to complete this form for us.

This year we had a theme for our association: Counselor CPR – Community, Professionalism and Resilience.

Highlights of the year:
  • Fall conference series with ASCA Certified Trainer Dr. Karen Griffith on building resiliency, with 80 participants
  • Coffee with Counselor monthly zoom chats
  • Partnership with NASA (Nevada Association of School Administrators) to bring ASCA Certified Trainer Kristin Barnson to talk to 125+ educators across the state about the role of school counselors
  • Three book study opportunities: “Interrupting Racism,” “Atlas of the Heart,” and “UnSelfie”
  • Webinars with Hatching Results/Study Smart Tutors and Counselors for Computing
  • National School Counseling Week gifts for all members
  • Recognized the 2023 Nevada school counselor of the year: Eboni Simpson-Hodge
  • Selected the 2024 Nevada school counselor of the year: Judy Pelto
  • Awarded five $1,000 graduate student scholarships
  • Held annual conference “We Are the Heart,” attracting 263 attendees
  • Personal emails to members on their birthday
  • Graduate student member celebration
Our membership numbers are very high – we have 792 members! 

Thank you to everyone who voted in our elections this past March. We are very proud to welcome Linda Massena Noel and Jeremy Elsmore back to the board, and Kassie Griffith to the board for the first time. Their terms officially start in July, but they have already begun the transition to best serve our association and you.

We are so thankful to the board members who will be stepping off the board, Monica Bryant and Jessica Houchins. These two incredible school counselors have put many hours into our association and our state. 

On behalf of the Nevada School Association, I wish you a great end to your school year and hope that summer provides you the opportunity to rest, relax, learn and be ready to kick off the 2023–24 school year!

Contact Carly Lott, chair, NvSCA Board of Directors, at