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From the Chair: Empowering Self and Every Student

By Andres Castro, Ed.D. | March 2024

“Be real, be righteous and be relevant.” That was one of the inspiring messages conveyed by rap artist Dee-1 during his morning keynote for the CASC NorCal Conference last month in Monterey Bay. As school counselors, we might hear said message and instantly wish to apply it in our practice when working with students; however, what made Dee-1’s keynote unique was his ability to foster an energy conducive to introspection rather than self-reflection. Introspection is about exploring internal thoughts and feelings, while self-reflection is more about evaluating one's actions and behavior in the external world. This set the tone for the remainder of the conference as each breakout session, panel discussion and networking opportunity not only allowed for active participation on the part of the attendees but also created moments for school counselors to delve within and introspect.

This month’s newsletter issue includes an interview with Lori Woodley conducted by CASC Executive Director Dr. Loretta Whitson and provides a focus on championing the school counseling profession through “A Trusted Space.” Lori is an individual who inspires, empowers and transforms. The interview provides resources for school counselors that are essential tools in cultivating positive school cultures, nurturing resilience on an emotional level and supporting academic success.

The theme for this month’s issue is “Serve All Students” and features stories that address racism, undocumented families, transgender youth and neurodivergent students. As dedicated professionals committed to the holistic well-being and success of our students, it is imperative that we continuously strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all our students.

Considering the diverse needs and challenges faced by students today, I underscore the significance of school counselors serving as advocates for every student. In our efforts to foster a safe and nurturing school environment, we must actively confront and address issues of racism and discrimination. It is incumbent upon us to cultivate an atmosphere where every student feels valued, respected and empowered to thrive. This involves implementing anti-racist practices, promoting cultural competency and providing resources for education and dialogue on issues of race and social justice. To support you in this effort, CASC’s Social Justice, Equity, and Anti-Racism Committee has launched their new Social Justice, Equity, and Anti-Racist Toolkit for School Counselors. This toolkit is a resource bank for school counselors to contribute and use lessons to support social justice, equity, and anti-racism at their school site. Access the toolkit for resources, lesson plans and activities, or to submit a lesson.

Serving all students requires a commitment to equity, inclusivity and social justice. As school counselors, we have a profound opportunity and responsibility to champion the well-being and success of every student, regardless of their background or identity. Let us continue to work together to create an environment where all students feel seen, heard and valued.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to our students and please take a moment for yourself to introspect.

Contact Andres Castro, Ed.D., CASC Board chair, at