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Leadership Letter: Optimism and Hope

By Vince Walsh-Rock, Ph.D., LCPC | January 2025

Author Rebecca Solnit distinguishes between optimism and hope: “I use the term hope because it navigates a way forward between the false certainties of optimism and of pessimism, and the complacency or passivity that goes with both,” she wrote in a 2017 essay, “Protest and Persist.” Solnit continues, “Optimism assumes that all will go well without our effort; pessimism assumes it’s all irredeemable; both let us stay home and do nothing. Hope for me has meant a sense that the future is unpredictable, and that we don’t actually know what will happen, but know we may be able to write it ourselves.” (Read more about Solnit)
In the past months, I have met with school counselors in many parts of Illinois. I hear from school counselors about the successes they have had with students and families, the challenges they face and continually being asked to do more with fewer resources. Some have shared renewed empowerment for the hope they see in their students in the face of adversity and how they choose to preserve in the face of adversity. These inspiring stories often come from a place of focusing on relationships and the brave space we can enter that challenges our perceptions of futility and how we can write what will happen ourselves even in the face of great unpredictability.
I know that, for myself, my professional connections through ISCA for the past 25 years have been the foundation from where I have drawn inspiration in observing truly amazing school counselors! When I have run into questions or concerns for which I did not know the path forward, I would reach out to colleagues to consult, gather ideas and reflect on the areas of personal awareness that were not known to me. Without question, these collaborative conversations provided solace in times of despair and optimism in times of pessimism, and served as reminders for why our work is essential in the lives of the students and families we support.
ISCA continues to expand its influence at local and state levels through professional development, advocacy and connections. These achievements only happen through our dedicated members across Illinois. Here are a few highlights:
  • ISCA now has 2100 members! This is a 57 percent increase in the past four and a half years! This is attributed to all ISCA members as the word spreads of how important professional connections are for our professional growth. ISCA continues to see membership growth from all regions of Illinois. Many school districts and schools have taken advantage of the ISCA membership discount when schools and districts pay for ISCA registration for all school counselors! This is great evidence of increased awareness on the part of school administrators.
  • ISCA hosted an incredible conference November 14–15 in Itasca, Ill., with 650 participants and over 100 vendors. This was the largest ISCA conference in history and ISCA’s first with two full days of programming. Many positive comments were shared on conference evaluations. The energy was tangible as participants engaged with each other and with exhibitors. Special thanks to our Conference Committee chairs, Dr. Beth Gilfillan and Chelsea Stout, and the awesome group of volunteer Conference Ambassadors. See scenes from the conference below.
  • ISCA continues to develop its influence in Illinois. You are represented through presentations and committee involvement with: Illinois State Board of Education SEL Standards revision task force, Illinois Principals Association, Illinois Association for College Admission Counselors, ISBE-Career and Technical Education Advisory Council, Illinois Career and Education Career Success Network and ISPA Adolescent Suicide Prevention.
  • The ISCA Advisory Council met in October with representatives from every ISCA region to discuss what is important and needed for school counselors in their part of the state. 
  • ISCA meets consistently with Illinois school counselor educators to share ideas and best practices across counseling programs.
When you join ISCA, you are welcomed into a professional organization that has an unwavering commitment to providing high-quality professional development and support for its members. However, this only happens because of you. With our collective support of each other, we can make a significant impact for school counselors and for Illinois students.
Contact Vince Walsh-Rock, Ph.D., LCPC, ISCA executive director, at