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GSCA Updates

By GSCA | January 2024

Volunteer for the 2024–2025 Leadership Team

One of the best ways for members to become involved in GSCA is by volunteering to contribute some of your time.
Learn more and volunteer for GSCA Leadership

2024 Counselors at the Capitol – Save the Date

Plan now to participate: The 2024 Counselors at the Capitol will take place February 7.

We know how difficult it can be to leave your school building. However, your involvement in this event is important in sharing the voice of school counselors from across the state and advocating for our profession and our students. Please consider joining us!
  • hear from state legislators and student advocates
  • learn about legislative initiatives affecting education, students, and school counseling
  • develop advocacy action plans
Watch for additional details coming soon.
Register Here


2023 School Counselor of the Year and Other Awards

Congratulations to Gabrielle Brundidge of Savannah-Chatham County Public School System, selected as the GSCA Counselor of the Year (shown above, on right, with GSCA President Jennifer Diaz). Please join us in celebrating her accomplishment! The complete list of all award winners who were recognized at the 2023 Conference in Augusta is on the website.
See the Award Winners

2024 Conference: Save the Date

Save the date! The 2024 Conference will be in Savannah, November 6–8.  The Call for Proposals will open in mid-February, on the theme of “Counseling that Matters.”