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President's Letter: You Deserve to Care for You

By Roberto Aguilar | January 2022

Querido OSCA Family,

As I sit down to write about this issue’s topic of student and school counselor wellness, I cannot help but reflect on this calendar year. I think about how we, as a community and society, have gone through so much together. Although it has been challenging, and even painful at times, I do find hope that we school counselors and educators as a whole are able to make a revolutionary change by putting community wellness at the forefront of our schools’ missions.

Wellness, I believe, is the holistic merger of self-care, social/emotional learning and racial and social justice. As I have shared throughout this year, I believe that empowering one another to find inner peace is key so that each individual can be mindful of their abilities and interact positively in their environment (emotionally, physically and socially). I first wrote this about working with students but now I want to focus on you, the school counselor. This year has been particularly tough. As more of our students struggle with trauma and mental health issues, we are experiencing the effects of secondary trauma (vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue). This is why it is important for me to be intentional and take this moment to speak to you, school counselor.

First, wellness and self-care are not selfish practices. Building yourself up to be the best version of yourself allows you to best serve your students and community. Prioritize your time and use self-care strategies on yourself throughout the day.

Second, while focusing on building your best self you are able to make wellness a proactive practice instead of a reactive experience. I’m tired of hearing about putting on your oxygen mask first. I want to avoid the oxygen mask, which is needed in an emergency situation, by being proactive about our personal and community wellness. So again, let’s prioritize our personal wellness multiple times throughout the day so that we have a full bucket to pour from when working with students.

Third, remember that you do not need to do this all on your own. Use your resources such as your district EAP (employee assistance program), your personal therapist or an accountability buddy. If you need an accountability buddy, I am confident that OSCA can help you find one.

Last, know that you are enough. Being a school counselor is a difficult role but your students and your school need you just as you are. Give yourself permission to focus on your personal wellness so that you can proudly serve your community.

I recognize that it is not so simple to prioritize your wellness. I struggle with this myself, but little things can help. I am sharing my anxiety struggles to highlight a few little things I have done to prioritize my wellness. The low point for me was 2017, when I would experience full physical and emotional anxiety symptoms every morning as I drove to work. Getting out of my vehicle became a challenge, although I knew that being with students was my antidote. My first small step in prioritizing my wellness was to establish a routine for what to wear by creating a theme for each day. Then I learned a breathing exercise that I liked for myself. A few years later I became involved with OSCA to find a supportive community. Now I am attempting to walk at least one lap outside of the school building with my counseling teammate(s) several times a week.

These practices do not mean that I won’t jump when my phone rings. They most likely will not prevent you from seeing me with my hoodie up, having a moment in a corner prior to public speaking engagements (It’s ok – it’s part of the process). They definitely did not make it easier for me to write this letter. However, these practices of mine have helped me begin to make my wellness a priority so that I am more prepared to do the wonderful and challenging work of being a school counselor.

So, to my favorite people in the world, school counselors, give yourself permission to prioritize your personal wellness today and every day. You deserve it.

Contact Roberto Aguilar, OSCA president, at